When I’m coaching clients we discuss prioritisation, choice and time. I share the thinking behind urgent and important tasks; big picture, bite -sized pieces of activity; systems; processes; habits; the cultural approach to time finding out what their attitude to time is; their personal values and choices. We work through their challenge together and I help them to re-set.
It seems to go down very well. Every coaching client says these conversations make a difference. So I have no idea why I struggle to apply these techniques to myself.
Somehow my time management processes have disappeared into the golden sands of Barbados. Here, time is both monochronic and polychronic. Its both elastic AND contracted here, whatever it is, it’s not rhythmic, steady or linear. It has little pattern or regular beat. As I type I wonder if this is because I’m without a regular job with contracted hours. Surely I cannot miss the rigidity of a classic 9-5 working day? My heart says an emphatic “no” so I must try harder to form habits to force myself into a more regular pattern.
I don’t want to miss the deadlines for tasks I’ve imposed on myself. The inner critic who sits on my shoulder and casts aspersions into my ear, is very good at encouraging me to beat myself up. It needs no further encouragement as I look out my flailing stick.
So with love and care I will resume my writing task and juggle it with all my other commitments this busy week ahead.
Happy weekending everyone.