Tag Archives: alternative thinking


It’s the first day of 2018, a host of resolutions,  a sense of renewal and the determination to change are the drivers for this post.

2018 is a mere date change.  Yet its promise of future, of potential possibilities is enticing.

If there was a score to be made I would achieve 10 out of 10  for living these past few months in my head; ideas, concepts, shared learnings, potential, all swirling around.  And with the exception of November where I designed, developed and delivered an intercultural values, norms and subconscious bias workshop to a group of Eastern Caribbean and British co-workers,  there has been little co-learning or sharing of  skills and knowledge (a strong personal value).  This blog has been silent, the pages left blank as the priority has been working my way through inertia, culture shock,  daily life and busyness.

It’s so easy to get lost, so easy to get stuck.  Despite good intentions, I’ve spent more hours thinking of what to write than getting on and getting it down.  I’ve read LinkedIn posts and thought of responses which may counter-argue or enhance the points being made and yet remained silent.  I’ve stayed indoors instead of going out.  I’ve prioritised small actions and deeds instead of making good on ideas which may bring results. I self-justify; ” I’m travelling (UK twice, then USA) or moving home and life (an international then 3 months later, domestic relocation) or focusing on helping  Craig and Roscoe settle into their new positions in a new country and environment.  I’m at the emergency hospital 4 times so have to care for the injured Roscoe, I’m at the vet three times so have to care for the poorly Monty” .  Yes, I get 11 out of 10 for excuses. Where is my medal?

Truth is these are my choices.  Directly or indirectly this is how I’ve chosen to spend my time.  There is no blame, no circumstances that help me expunge  how I’ve lived these past few months.  I’ve been stuck in my bubble, wallowing in its silence and peace.  A less stressful, slower life beat.  An opportunity to pause, to breathe, to observe.  I focus on family, I make good on my promises.  I am grateful and fortunate yet at the same time still unfulfilled.

Truth is this Presbyterian Scottish work-ethic  is hard to shake.  It’s a struggle  to accept that I’m not out in the world, helping businesses, corporations and their people succeed.  I value my contribution to this part of my life almost as much as I value my contribution to myself and my family.

Previously I’ve found it hard to stitch these two parts of my soul together.  And when I’ve  tried, the result was a distant relationship with husband and child, then corporate burnout followed closely by cancer.  I’ve spent the last two years looking inward and living my lessons learned,  recreating strong connections to Craig and Roscoe,  focusing on becoming healthier and better, letting go of the old corporate BS while retaining all I’ve absorbed and learned along the way.   Slowly, I’m knitting together an alternative with the unshakable belief that when we take control of our choices it’s possible to change for good.

So the symbolism in a change of date, the opportunity in a move from 7 to 8, creates the impetus of changing how I manage to connect these two parts of me in a way which is sustainable and healthy.  And the purpose of writing this publicly means my feet are to the fire and I become accountable for making it happen.

In 2018 I’ll  be sharing my successes, failures and learnings  in this blog as I attempt to successfully combine working in a totally new environment with my commitment to my family.

If you want to know how I’m doing, follow the blog.  I promise it won’t be dull…

Out of the box thinking for non linear results

icl_logo_2607While working for International Computers Ltd (ICL), I was fortunate enough to be trained as a transformation coach and facilitator by the change guru Miki Walleczek.

At the time, ICL was undergoing extraordinary change, moving away from hardware manufacturing into systems and services and e-business technology. Non linear change ICLFuelled by beyond-clever boffins used to being at the cutting edge of what was possible,  the transformation potential was spine-tinglingly exciting. Tapping into our collective knowledge and skills and using our pioneer pride and sense of corporate history and culture, we embarked on a challenging business transformation campaign. non linnera thinking. use this onePart of this was learning to adopt out of the box thinking to achieve non linear results. Results which would result in us jumping the normal trajectory of performance.

20 years on, I am still building on my  Walleczek learnings and my subsequent years in Africa and back in UK corporate-land,  putting transformation theory into practice.  So when something is not going to plan, or we need to do something extraordinary,  I know to get creative, to look around for alternatives, to start exploring.

So when it comes to healing and pain relief, when the conventional drugs are not working and the threat of yet more medical intervention looms large, I am open to acupuncture and cranial-sacral therapy. And these do work but perhaps I am impatient or my expectation is too great.

And then,  through the magic of my alternative healing doctor, Gina, I find the restorative power of Russian science and technology, the SCENAR.  A handheld device which emits electrotherapy waves through my body sending messages to my nerves and brain to repair my damaged tissue, to heal, to ease pain.  I am delighted to feel the difference.

So how does it work?  Well it looks a bit like a TV control and sounds like a metal detector.  Its placed directly on my skin where it collects electromagnetic signals from my body.Scenar These are then modulated according to its software programme and played back to my tissues. Essentially, SCENAR uses my own internal body signals, scanning and re-transmitting these many times a second. It ‘evolves’ a new signal pattern for the disordered tissues, the machine literally entering into an information dialogue with my body.  During the treatment, new frequencies and energy patterns are established, which in turn become fresh input signals, to be further modified.  When it is combed over my skin the damaged tissue shows up as being sticky. So it rests on the sticky skin, beeping and communicating with me using frequencies beyond layman’s comprehension.

I think it works.  I don’t exactly know how but the power of belief is such that I will it to be so.  As a result, I must sound confident when, during my monthly check up with the Consultant surgeon, I explain this treatment and what I believe it’s doing for me.  We discuss my current issues with the ongoing pain in my jaw and left side of my face.  He seems slightly perplexed as to the extent of the neuropathogical pain but then proposes a radical departure for what I know of him. non linear change - victory He decides to match my belief with his own.  We agree I come off all meds and I rely solely on the SCENAR.  A victory!  Eastern belief over Western medicine.

Footnote:  Perhaps I need more SCENAR treatment but things have not quite gone to plan.  I ended up at the Doctor. Back on a revised course of the meds.  So it’s not transformation but change management which is needed.  Sometimes all it needs is time.

Non linear - final quote